Certa stores the history of the network model
You can see what the network looked like when a service outage occurred and what was done to restore the service, step by step. Calculations and audits on customer service levels can also be carried out. Follow-ups on the history of each network element can be performed, without losing any assets. We also follow-up company investments and are able to control customers who are connected and disconnected over a period of time. With help of Certa, you can measure a company’s performance.
X, Y, tini, tend
Certa offers a network model with four coordinates per point (x, y, initial time and final time), which enables the analysis of the network at any date and time, also per second – including objects, connections and associated data to the moment of analysis.
No increase in data volume
Certa’s model only adds two coordinates for each point, topology and piece of data, and manages history without increasing the volume of stored information. There is no need for back-ups on different dates replicating millions of model objects! – as products of the competition do when there is a demand for history management.
Outage analysis
See the actual network topology seconds before an outage, and compare it with its design topology at that specific time to identify how much the network has deviated from its design status. See what the dispatch area did, step by step, to restore the service. Audit outage times for each customer.
History of investments
Follow an asset’s history over a period of time. See exactly where the investments were made between two different dates.
Smart Grids
Electric distribution companies are starting to talk about having or testing “Smart Grids”. But is it possible to provide real intelligence to a network that has no memory? How can you use the network model from a standard GIS or OMS system as a basis for a smart grid if you have no history records? Certa’s historical model, integrated with intelligent meters data, fulfills this crucial requirement, and as such, it gives “real intelligence” to the network.d.
Measure the impact of maintenance policy changes by observing the failure rate before and after such changes were implemented on affected elements. Measure with precision new customer connections over time after a technology change or expansion of a communications network was implemented.
Telecommunication companies
Electric distribution utilities